teacher appreciation and back to school self care

Back to School Self Care Strategies for Parents

This year, it's going to take more than a binders, books and a Target sale to calm my first day jitters. However you're planning to school your kids this semester, these stay centered tips will help you fill your cup first, so you can be there to support everyone else!

Take 30 minutes in the morning just for you

It's so hard to wake up early and so worth it! Those first few minutes will set the tone for your day. You can spend this time quietly drinking coffee, reading a few pages of a book or stretching. This period will mentally prepare you for what lies ahead so you can tackle anything!

Mantras - You Are So Many Wonderful Things!

It's so easy to focus on our weaknesses, especially when we are unsure about our choices, that we need to constantly be mindful of our strengths. You do amazing things every single day, remind yourself of them frequently! If you need a little help thinking of one, here are a few to start with.

Practice kindness toward others

Radiate the joy and energy that you want to receive in the world and it will come right back to you. Remember that this is new for all of us. None of us know if we are doing the right thing. It's okay to question, but try not to judge. It's a challenging time, especially with school age kids, who have their own anxieties and concerns. If we radiate calm, it will have a soothing effect on those around us.

And above all also, don't forget to Take Time for You!

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